Mission, Purpose, and Everything Else!

The purpose of this blog is to help disgruntled student loan borrowers who want to pay their loans, but despite hard work and effort cannot, and as a result are being hounded by banks and other loan sharks. The goal of this site is to offer advice, stories, and resources to assist other student loan owners in their fight to pay off their loans.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to Stop Collection Calls

Most companies use a third party company for your collection calls. In most cases you can detect this because the companies will have a separate number.

If your student loan service is actually using a third party company (anyone other than the owner or the loan), you can make collection calls stop by requesting so, IN WRITING. I have recently discovered that although phone calls are supposedly recorded for customer satisfication, most representatives can indeed get away with everything and anything they want on the phone. However, in writing they cannot. The best way to do this is by a guaranteed USPS letter or if that is not possible (ex., if the company has a PO Box or won't sign to a Delivery Confirmation), then by Fax, with proof that the fax went through (can easily be obtained by printing a confirmation report by the fax). Keep this in case the company says they never received your letter.

All the letter needs to say is stop the collection calls effectively immediately, make sure there is a date, your loan account number and signature.

Any further collection call action, and you may very well have yourself a lawsuit in your favor, provided as mentioned above, the calls are from a third party.

ALSO NOTE: If you have a cosigner, they can and likely will begin calling for them. So have your cosigner sign the letter or send in one of his/her own. I know this from experience!

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